Aug 08, 2005 20:02
ok so 1st day of school...i woke up at 5:30 did my make up and straightened my hair only to have it runied by the humidity in under 5 seconds...johnny drove me to school for fear of me missing my bus like last year.....for some reason its not ok that i drive w/ him to school when i have been driving w/ him for the whole dam summer....its his senior year my last year for me to do any fun highschool stuff w/ him and there messing it all up...i talked to my dad this morning and he said give it a lil while and he would talk it over with my i found all my classes quite easy.....i like all of my teachers.. (so far) i got a really good vibe from alot of them...its really wierd i only have to pre-ap classes this year....which are pre-ap english II and pre-ap world history...the rest are regular classes which consist of LMS, spanish II,algebra I, and agricultural science....i'm really not happy that i'm in more regular classes than pre-ap..but last year was crazy and it lowered my gpa so this year is the year to pick it up and next year have all pre-ap minus the math...but school was ok not overly thrilled w/ everything...johnny doesn't have my lunch...he has A and i have B :( that was the one thing that i was truly hoping for...i kinda of feel different around certain people at school now...i don't want to get into detail but it just feels wierd.. kinda of like your cool and all but i've known these people longer and i'm just closer w/ them and i would rather chill w/ them than you...its not really that big of a deal...maybe its just me exaggerating again...but w/e umm johnny like i have said before has his lil early release thing..he is supposed to leave school at 12:00 i'm walking to 6th period i see him in the wtf!? y are you still here!? i found out that because the school is so organized and such that they totally left out the part that he has to get all these papers signed by his boss..which by the way lives in polk till he gets those singed he can't have early he has to drive all the way out to polk couty just to get a few dam papers signed...uhhhh stupid i started my job of babysitting dominic everyday after school....lets just say it wasen't a good day..he gave me alot of trouble.. i was tierd and i lost was just one thing after another order of school making me wake up early...just being at school...johnny being all pissy on the way home..getting to ciara's house and slamming my dam finger in a drawer (wich i might add swelled up to the size of my big toe amd still is red as fuck and quite tender) and then when i was changing dominic's diaper he decided he was gonna pee!!! omg was i pissed off! and on top of him crying and just giving me a hard time...when ciara came home and asked me how he was i just started really hurt my feelings to see him play w/ regan and be all nice and laughing and when it had to do anything w/ me he would get all fussy and start to cry...but i can only hope for a better day...i'm just really sensitive...waiting for my dad and regan to get back from a run so i can go get back to school stuff..i always wait till the last minuet to get everything... :)