Michelle, your Rilo Kiley CD will be burned shortly. I just need to remember to bring it to school TUUUESDAY.
Ben Folds is gonna be here in Austin on November 20. Hmm... Around my B-day. I missed out on seeing him this summer, so I really, really, wanna go. But there is no one to go with and I don't even know if my mom would let me go. I really wish I have friends that have more of the same music interests as me. There are some that have some of them same, but do they listen to Ben Folds? Nooooo. At least I don't think so. I'm going to work on turning people over.
I will say that I was not completely blown away by this episode.
But I loved every single scene that had Beaver in it. He looks... better this year. And I just love him.
Logan's little affair is still just not working for me. And his scene with Veronica made me sad.
Everybody was on happy pills the other day. At school, Robbie was like "Dude, what did you do to Jennifer? She was like the hyperest I've ever seen her today." We had to pick up Ema and she was just...weird. Considering I've said like maybe enough words to complete a short sentence over the past couple weeks. I get home and hear happy knocking on the door. I open it, and Eric is smiling like crazy and just gives me a big hug. He then continues on to talk about what a great day it was. Oh, and in first period we were all in the weight room and I was with Rachel Bounds. I remember her telling me that she was having just a great day. And I was thinking like what the crap we're not even past first period. I'm a positive thinker. I think it was... Wednesday or Thursday.
I'm starting to like this cold weather. I think it's just a cold front, but I want it to stay. I can start layering up, and wear jeans all the time which I do, well, anyway. Sweatshirts galore. I love sweaters. And jeans. And layers. This is great. And it makes me think of Christmas.
I'm really annoyed because I can't download the ACL pictures for some reason. It's very frustrating. So it's gonna have to wait a little while longer.
Nicole, I was thinking today how you said you read the recap. And that's seriously really freaking awesome. Out of everyone I told to watch, NO ONE did, and you didn't either. BUT you read the recap EVEN though you watch Lost. And NONE of my other friends did! Anything! So, cheesy as it may sound, I really appreciate it. YOU ROCK! :)