Still sick..=[

Nov 16, 2004 09:45

okaii well im still sick. nd last night i was lying in bed..sick. nd had nothing to do . so i started thinking.. ( not a good idea ) nd i was thinkinbg about all the things tht have happened since last may. all the mistakes tht i made. nd then there was summer. so manny memories, and laughs and all this really cool stuff. but now its over nd seems soo far away, it gets really dark really early now nd im not friends with sum of the ppl tht were a reealy big part of my summer like mike nd it kina upsets me tht me nd him arnt friends cuz we were really good friends nd now were just not. soo i got sad. cuz everythin tht used to be so normal a few monthes ago seems old nd far away nd everythings change. nd if u dnt noe .. i hate change. thts why i hate my birthday nd winter nd ..well thts not the point rite now, so ne way...

then kenni called me nd he told me hes leaving december 6th, to go to flarida. witch means im never gunna see him after tht, even tho i dont see him alot now, i can still tlk to him, nd i wont be able to after hes gone.i guess he deserves it, for everything tht hes done. but hes always been there for me wen i needed him, nd we tell eachother things we cnt tell other ppl. its gunna be really sad noeing hes never gunna be there agen. nd i cnt call him cuz like the part of flarida hes going to.. they dont like fones, nd i cant write to him or ne thing cuz well, i dun think my parents wud like the adress the letters wud be cumming from.

so last night really was a sad night for me so i called hiram. the only kid tht noes how to make me feel better wen i feel like complete shyte, nd he did his job. thts why i love him. he was going on about how we hadnt met before we did cuz he ndnt liek me , nd i was like noo u loved me from the start, nd hes liek 'yea. i noe it was love at first sight so i was too scared to tlk to you. thnk god for headya likeing me or we wuda never met!'lol soo i felt a lil better nd went to sleep.

i just wanna get better i hate being sick. nd i hate being sad. urghh. nd if i cud i wud just go back to saturday night, wen i wasnt sick nd was being called a god. good memoriess.<3 soo yea this saturday will be even better, cuz megan nd every1 will be there. PARTY!
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