
Dec 23, 2004 12:04

so.. no skool for the next two weeks. =) i love cathlioc skool. public skool had skool today.. hahah looserss. ayo yesterday ( last day of skool) we hada goo to mass. it was okaii. except i had like a panic attachk in the middle. you see my gym is kinda small. and the whole skool was in there. i happen to be clostaphobic.420 kids one small gym.. you do the math..soo 20 mins into the mass i started to freak, i got dizy and cudnt breath to well. finally my friends got mrs wade nd she helped me out. another minute in there i would have fainted. not cool. soo after mass we went back to hr to get our stuff and said goodbye to everyone.. it was like we were never gonna see eachother agen.. haha itll only be two weeks. so alicias mom picked me and her up and we got to alicias house and played three games of candyland. all of whitch i lost =/ lol alicia cheatss. so then her mom left for work and we watched jerryspringer. then rob came home and he gave us money to get him burgerking. so me nd alicia wlked there ate tlked about shytee. then got rob his food and went backk to her hosuee. we listened to music and chillaxed like the cool kids we aree then went to 67 to see ppl. we went to the pizza place so jennie cud get food then jennie nd alicia waited for the bus with me and i went to go get meg. i saw SARAH nd ASHLEY nd JESSICA nd JONATHAN ! i missed them. so we went bak to megz nd played with petey. then my mom came to pik us up nd we went to target! wat an ill place. lol nd tht was my day

soo im bored nd i havta xclean cuz jess mite come over later..<3 tomorows christmas eve.. im going over megz with my family nd ash will be there too. sexxi isnt? dont hate.. lol Later <3 Lauren
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