Ri on Patrol!.... >.> Open

Sep 07, 2006 22:13

Dimly lit candles flickered a glow against the corridor as a tall figure cast a shadow upon the wall. The only sound was that of it's slow footsteps, thumping against the stone floor. He was alone.

And he rather liked it.

Hogwarts at night was so completely different than in the morning that it could've been a whole new world. Yes, Riley felt he thrived in the crowded halls of snickering Slytherins, and good-for-nothing Gryffindors (Not to mention the ridiculously bright Ravenclaws and happily-ignorant Hufflepuffs that just seems like fillers to him..) . Most of them adored him, that he was well aware of and secretly had many good laughs over with close friends because Merlin knew he didn't adore most of them. There were a handful that would adore to stick their wand in his beautiful blue eyes, but those gits didn't matter anyway. Still, it was a brilliant feeling to walk through the packed corridors of Hogwarts (even if he made an extraordinary effort in public to seem oblivious to his popularity. ) .

But patrolling at night was beginning to grow on him. It was so silent that the only thing that could possibly distract him from hearing himself think was the sound of his feet treading upon the floor, and he really didn't mind them all that much. Thinking was something he was in dire need to do lately. Not so much the kind of thinking one does when trying to recall a difficult answer on a History of Magic exam (who likes History of Magic anyway?), but more so the search for other answers... Answers to questions that have been burning inside of ones self since their parents were sent away and not long after they used to hid in wardrobes from father's business.

A search for answers that was interrupted by the clicking sound of another set of shoes on the stone floor.

"It would be wise to stop walking now," Riley suggested in his cool, sly tone of voice as he turned to face the rule-breaker, "If I have to chase you, it'll only annoy me. You don't want to annoy me, do you? Lumos.."

The tip of his wand glowed brightly, shining better light on the curfew violator...

ooc: Someone reply.. Teacher.. Student.. anyone. I promise I'll actually keep the thread going.
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