May 02, 2004 18:18
things fall apart.
I hate the fact that good things never last, and this goes for everybody-not just me. I know that it will only be a matter of time before something I like/love is gone. friends, family, situations, pets, everything d i s a p p e a r s
such as the case, right now. everything I was excited about 2 weeks ago no longer exists.
I don't like that fact that I probably won't talk to my current friends in a few years.
it makes me (you?) wonder what the point is.
i think last night something bad happened
and sometimes I think that maybe I just expect the worst, so I won't be disappointed/upset when I find out.
and if things are still okay, then I get to be pleasantly surprised
I guess it's my best defense.
friday I find out if I will have a neice or a nephew,
I cannot wait until aubrey has her baby.
but because of all that happened, social services will have to check up on her often, and also the baby when it is born
this is sad, because as my family knows, those people can ruin things.
it would be nice if life was a movie and you could fast forward through the parts you didn't want to live.