Here's some pics from summer school today. It will be over on June 30, I cannot WAIT! Haha, it's kinda fun though, and just so you can see here's some pics for you! But I must warn you, I look like crap in all of them.
Hahah, that's Caty being seductive. She's hilarious.
Big flash pic of Valorie, me, and Caty
Doesn't Valorie look like a little kid trying to get in the picture?
All together now
Whelldon. That's not even his real name, but he won't tell anyone what it actually is. Even the teacher doesn't know! Last year in spanish class he was Taylor, but that's not his real name either. So who knows!
Dan trying to look sexy
Blurred up
ah...more Welldon...
Hah, what a loser
Aw, Valorie and Caty
I was not enjoying that
Neither was she
Valorie and my ugly face
*cough cough*
We worked...a little bit
The guys