Aug 23, 2007 00:33
You guys probably aren't as excited about them as I am. So I'm going to put them under a cut.
Trip to Chicago with Danny
omg good times:
midnight talks, reckless spending
sadly, no vampires
The Rocket Summer at Warped Tour
oh bryce avery
confetti and a girl's voice
so much love for you
Gerard Way Covers All the Bases
"really" cena says
"from any 30-year-old
"but him that's fucked up"
Red Sox Game with Ryan
my head on your arm
i think a bat was swung but
that part is fuzzy
Jensen in Rhode Island
separate scenes, one
late-night macaroni quest
OPC for life
Talking to the Bassist of Silverstein at FYE for 10 Minutes
gangly and awkward
but flirtatious; too bad your
music is teh blowz
Getting Ready For Drew a Week
somehow still surreal
jersey coming, frantic speed
need time for goodbyes
I guess that's what's up. Leave me comments or something. I'll write a haiku for you. God, that I have to bribe people to feign interest in my silly escapades.