Aug 28, 2005 22:53
nickname: lay-lay
age you want to be: 18. the perfect age. you can act like a little kid and like things
you like when you were 6 and no one cares. in fact, they think it's cool. yet, you're an
adult and free to do (mostly) as you wish.
voices in ur head: they argue with me about my emotions
prefered mode of transportation: Jen's Jeep, complete with extreme road rage
top secret plot to take over the world: a quote from Jaimie-chan (who hates when i call her that) -
"It only takes ONE totally hip an' hyper dude to take over the world!" i don't have the plot
but when Jaimie mananges to take over the world i get to have my own continent.
imaginary friends: hmm...not really.
craziest thing you have done lately: wait, this involves using my memory...DAMMIT! prolly go to the Jain temple. those guys were very extreme in their non-violence.
song stuck in ur head: Ghost Orgy's "Born Dead" because it's playing and i'm singing it in my head
what you are wearing now: red shirt that says "Smile, it confuses people" and totally cool
black pants that i bought for $7 at a thrift store and are REVERSIBLE!!
fave kiddie book: the Princess Bride. Or Man of Many Faces, but that's a manga.
cartoon you relate to: i watch so many cartoons...yet i'm not sure...i could be Utako from MoMF, but that's a manga...not even animated...pretteh piccies though...
anything else: have discussions on religions is the coolest hobby ever, thank you very much.