Spent last weekend in the snow, up at timberline. Brought certain things, had the girls wear certain outfits. Felt extremely satisfying having shots I planned a week in advance to turn out just as I imagined (girl in fur-lined jacket; jenni face down in the snow; jenni with snow in her hair, monica in a blue dress amongst snow & trees). Although, I'm not going to lie - it was a bit frustrating having other photographers shoot the same shots I had planned and set up, although I don't know what else I was expecting really. You invite your friends, photographers along - they're going to shoot interesting shots. I do know now that I am not a good sharer, ideas-wise. And I also know that I am discovering a strength in planning shots rather than doing straight candids all the time. Perhaps I'm on to something here.
These pictures were inspired from Shauna's birthday party when I saw those pinatas and balloons at the mexican restaurant. I was looking around at all of us, mostly Shauna & Aumie's friends who are awesome people and really into the vegan/biking/punk kind of thing. So here they are all are, wearing silly party hats and eating mexican food and I see this pinata and I think all of a sudden of Shauna holding it and wearing this party hat in a dark sinister kind of way. So i kind of get this picture in my mind of a spotlight, or darkness, and shauna looking kind of dejected or sad and holding this silly pinata. Implementing was difficult, light was hella low and I don't have a tripod. A metal piece that rests between the camera and the lens had detached and fell into the camera while I was taking the picture! I thought for sure it was screwed up. It was cold and wet outside, I got dirty. Had her breathe heavy til she almost passed out so that her breath would hit the high beams on her car. I guess it was worth the trouble, other than the amateur execution and somewhat blurriness of the film (it was DARK!) i got the overall effect i wanted.
That next chunk was a few miscellaneous shots from the industrial shoot with Monica & Tom. I have a few more from that day that are technically good but don't excite me that much. I will probably put them up one day when I need filler or when my mood shifts enough to wonder why they hadn't been put up earlier.
The above pictures were from a fabulous Friday afternoon/evening with my best friend Monica. We had happy hour at Dots, went to Pix for some drinks and dessert, then went to Sam's Billiards to drink PBRs, eat awful appetizers, and heckle the opening ceremonies of the olympics.
And finally, the snowshoot. I thought the photos turned out lovely. I had a few "take 2s" that I would love to post but they only have slight differences and I dont want to repeat myself too much. Oh well. The joys of editing oneself. We had a great day, playing in the snow, drinking hot cider in the lodge, marvelling at all the fog and mountains and trees and moss, being with friends... you know, the good stuff.
Thankfully this brings me up to date with all the photos I've taken lately, except for this past week where my friend Lauren visted from Seattle and then Aumie, Shauna, Whitney, Josh & I went to THE GORGE yesterday! My shots from this trip are so beautiful! Well some. A large amount of the panoramic shots turned out grainy with no contrast but I'll get over it.