Been having a lot of fun with shooting lately. Instead of just wandering around snapping this and that, I'm being more mindful, setting things up, arranging specific people, thinking in advance of certain stills or ideas i might to frame.
With the Shauna idea I really only had one thing in mind. I actually wanted her to go topless but she wouldn't do it! (The prude hehe) We weren't sure on a location beforehand but i had something dreary and dark in mind contrasted against some sort of fancy getup. we ended up in mossy woods and i LOVE this set of pictures (I have problems with the one of her lounging in a tree but that's a different matter) Shauna is easy to take pictures of, and she likes having it done, and we have fun together and eat lots of vegan food (i'm not vegan but i love all foodz) so it works out :)
All the still life type shots are just my usual - having my camera in hand and just shooting at what seems interesting. practice practice practice
All of the above photos were taken with fuji color 800 with my canon ae-1 program, generally using the fastest aperture and shutter setting that the light would allow. I am taking my new (to me) ae-1 with the faster lens (f/1.4 as opposed to f/1.8) out this weekend (with my ae-1 program as backup) with less sensitive film (lucky 200) to see what tangible differences I might see. I am kind of bummed because i thought the lenses were interchangeable but they don't appear to be. The ae-1 is older than the program and uses a different lens mount. All the articles online though say that they both use the same type of lenses so I'm a little confused. The program is so much lighter and more compact than the ae-1, but the meter is weird (lights up recommended aperture rather than showing a bar indicating over/underexposure) so sometimes I feel like I'm just guessing. I doubt the extra stop on the lens is going to make that much of a difference, but I do shoot in lots of low light and in the evenings so it may be just the right amount of extra speed that I need. I wish I wish JOE AKA UNCLEAR WAS READING THIS SO HE COULD COMMENT ON MY TECHNICAL PROBLEMS/QUESTIONS. JOE ARE YOU THERE.
I am trying to get caught up with all my picture dumps... once I'm caught up I might be able to share more of a narration of what was going on behind the scenes or what was going on that day. But i'm so far behind in updating this thing and honestly i can't fuggin remember WHAT was going on that day, other than snapping the photo and where i was and who i was with at that moment.
It's scary how quickly I have turned into a huge film nerd. Sorry for going on and on about it. My life otherwise is pretty normal outside of all this photo takin stuff. I was talking to one of my coworkers today and I internally wondered if I really could do accounting for the rest of my life between the hours of 8 to 5 and be ok with that, and having all of this other stuff on the side. I have a very full life outside of work, and spend more time doing things that I love and being with people that I love than I do at my job; I just use accounting to finance all of the good stuff. Is that ok? Is it ok to have a boring job that doesn't fulfill you so that you have the funds to do the things that do? If I were to listen to everything Steve Pavlina says, I'd quit my job tomorrow and stop wasting another damned minute of my life doing something that doesn't fulfill me at all hours of the day (I'd also enter a D/s relationship and eat a strictly raw diet, lol Steve Pavlina). God if I could earn a living being a photographer... it really is the one thing that brings me absolute joy. I think about it when I'm not doing it. I love getting the results back. I love going to new and different locations. I love hanging out with other people who are into it. When I think of commercial photography or wedding photography though... that really doesn't appeal to me at all. That's the problem - i don't want to photograph someone else's vision or conform to some expectation. That is why I don't think I could ever make money doing this. Unless I get a connection to the curator at MoMa and they pay me a million dollars to hang me next to ansel adams or cindy sherman or chuck close (yes he takes photographs too!) or martin schoeller or some other pop famous photographer.
There's still time, y'all.