(no subject)

Feb 24, 2006 13:24

Thank you, Nat, for employing a couple of minutes of my very bored schedule doing this.

Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Meat Carpaccio
I've no idea if you'd know what I'm talking about, translations and all, but it's this fancy, first dish thing, that's raw meat cut really thin, and it's really expensive. I love it, it's amazing, but I guess it sounds as if I'm a spoilt posh brat to be 17 and love that.
Literary: owning way more books than I've read It's embarrassing when you get together with friends and they speak about the 7 hundreed books they've read in the past month and you still haven't finished Ecstasy cause you're too lazy/can't focus/keep forgetting, and have zillions of basics of literature to read yet.Audiovisual: Speedy's ad Speedy = Internet company. There's this horrible annoying ad that has a little song that's so stupid, that says "I've a fun park in my house, and everything goes boom! Come be Speedyfied, just like me" and I hated it, but started smiling every time I see it ever since this girl on a forum related it to a photo of Gerard on a computer. The song's annoyingly catchy, too. I'm actually singing it now.
Musical: 90's Latin Music I swear, if it were conteporary, I'd hate it, but it reminds me of my times of childhood and preteen and it's just so funny and... I love those songs. I laugh every time I hear them, and I sing them out loud and if I can, dance along to them. People are like "WTF why are you listening to THAT shit?" but yeah... You all probably wouldn't know what I'm talking about but... Yeah. Ok. I don't have many guilts you'd know of anyways.
Celebrity: Robbie Williams I love the man in every way BUT phisically. And it's the last thing anyone that's seen my CD collection would think comes next, but I really like his music and I intend to go see him in October when he comes to give a concert here.

Now I tag:-

fiyre requiemoflove revalla sizexofxbullets and hit_me_up_style

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