well tonight was my friend lisa's surprise party!! it started at like 3:00 and she got there at about 3:30. hmm everyone that came was me nay, feesh, auj, mo, tommy b., jarred, nate, tommy g., evan, jimmy, steve, and i think other people, i dont know. we swam in her pool, went on her trampoline, and hung in her basement. it was fun, but when we were in the basement EVERYONE was down there and tommy [g] pants'd me. i almost cried my shorts were at my ankles and you could see EVERYTHING, so i flew down on the floor so no one cudd see my ass and lisa threw a pillow on top and it took like 20 seconds to finally get my shorts up. everyone saw, i almost cried lol. i thought it was evan so i hit him on the head really hard and he got all mad at me and wont talk to me now but oh well. hmm well i chugged down like all this vanilla coke without taking a breath. i felt so cool 8] i was the champ!! haha and me nay and feesh were sniffin the vanilla coke up our noses. i did it the most of course and i was like, high. well then at like 10 nays mom took me nate and tommy home and nay feesh and auj sleptover lisa's. i wasn't allowed. my moms gayyyy, well anyway here's pictures from the party... enjoy!!
hahahah nate, auj, and mo <33
tommy [g] and nate =]
auj and mo
tommy rofl
lisa, nay, auj, feesh
nate shooving his head in the cake
tommy and audrey <3
auj and lisa
rofl.. there on drugs <33 gotta love nay and auj