(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 23:12

f i r s t s
First best friend: connor
First funeral: uncle harold
First pet: pepper(my cat that was scared of everything)
First piercing/tattoo: my hot lip peircing, i was 16 i believe

l a s t s
Last car ride: its been at least a week.
Last good cry: couple weeks ago, when someone left me
Last movie seen: constantine!!!its amazing
Last beverage drank: sprite
Last food consumed: pork
Last phone call:josh
Last time showered: 30 min ago,and it is 11:22 pm
Last shoes worn: es accels,there friggen hot
Last item bought: G, if you know me you may understand
Last annoyance: everything
Last time wanting to die: i dont know.

s p e c i f i c s
What kind of shampoo do you use?: what ever is bought
What are you most scared of ?: i couldnt tell you, i dont know
What are you listening to right now?: AFI-Last Kiss
Where do you want to get married?: somewhere
Where do you want to live?:dont know

f a v o u r i t e s
Color(s): black,blue jeans,brown,white
Food: chicken
Boy name:
Girl name:
Subjects in school: gym,art
Abbreviation: what?
Animals: hampsters,cat
Sports: hockey,sakteboarding
Cologne: swiss army, and my stuff that reminds me of apple
Perfume: anything vanilla

h a v e y o u e v e r
Given anyone a bath?:no
Bungee jumped?: no
Skinny dipped? no
Ever been in love?: no
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?:no
Cried when someone died?: no
Been rejected?: yes
Rejected someone?: yes
Done something you regret?:maybe a little, but how things are in the moment arent to bad,so i have no regrets for anything ive done.

l a s t p e r s o n
Hugged: erin
Kissed: erin
You IMed: taylor
IMed you: taylor
Called you:josh
You called: taylor
Bought you flowers: never happened
Kill: none......yet muahahaha
Slap: probably taylor

w h i c h i s b e t t e r
Coke or Pepsi: coke
Flowers or candy:flowers
Tall or Short: short

r a n d o m
When i wake up the first thing i think: how much i wnat to see someone,and how dirty and soar i feel
All I need is: friends,someone to love, food,water,peanut m,n m's. nuff said
Love is: a false sense of security, but when your:in love: its a good energy boost i feel.
Last person you danced with: never have. dont laugh or i will fight you
How many kids do you want to have?: its physically impossible for ME to have kids,so ya....shut up

d o y o u e v e r
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: no
Wish you were younger:no

n u m b e r
Of times I have had my heart broken: 2
Of hearts I have broken: dont know
Of guys I've kissed: lets not go there(its not over 3 though)
Of girls I've kissed: not enough, but they were all awesome
Of best friends: not many,anymore
Of CD's I own: like 3
Of scars on body: dont know.
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