Dec 21, 2003 10:35
Hi, I'm new.
anyway, about depression...sometimes I'm not sure if it's a response to soemthing, rather than a "disorder". Don't get me wrong, it's terrible, but I think in general,people are quick to label it and medicate it, rather than look at where it comes from (and by "people", I just mean society in general, you know). We INFP's are like sponges...we soak up all the negative and positive things around us...if we don't recognize what we need, that we need space, a creative outlet, that we need eventually to learn that just because the world *feels* like it's ending, this too, will pass. I'm learning how to take things in stride...a bad comment or event can still completely change my mood, but if I wait it out, do something productive, it changes. THis has taken me practically my whole life (25 years today!) to start's hard.
more thoughts on depression?
also, I was wondering what people had to say about you ever feel you are too passive, and then kind of beat yourself up about it? I'm learning to stop this too, and was interested in other's thoughts...
this journal is amazing but kind of freaky...because as an INFP, I'm not used to so many like minds in the same place! It's like I was cloned or something...