Aug 04, 2010 12:16
I retook my physical fitness test last week and rocked it! My score went up by over twenty points, making me a much more competitive candidate. I scored perfect on my crunches and did awesome on my arm-hang, and about the same on my run. I've been going to the gym more to work on upper body strength and doing more sprinting. Since then I've managed to get my time on a 1-mile down to 8.09! Yeah!
Also, Gunnar and I finished watching all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender and now I'm obsessed! I've even been wasting like an hour a day on I saw the movie with some friends and liked it, but they all said that the show was exponentially better. And it was. But I still liked the movie. That little martial artist who played Aang was so danged sad and adorable I just want to give him a big squishy hug and some cookies. I need to get me some Airbender lj icons.
My brothers and I also played all of Left 4 Dead, another of my new obsessions. And I played all of Knights of the Old Republic. When did I turn into a gamer??? John had to upgrade my RAM and gave me his old graphics card for my PC so we could all play together, and it was awesome. I pretty much rock with the machine gun. We have plans to do Left 4 Dead 2, but not until John finishes his summer classes.
G and I took in another cat. >.< My friend Tricia moved and couldn't keep him, so we're giving him a chance. He's a 2 year old orange tabby and he's definitely growing on me. Ember hates his guts, but at least she lets him leave the bedroom now. He's much more social and affectionate than Ember, which is weird but I'm getting used to it. Gunnar likes him a lot already, but G is a huge sucker for cute animals. The only problem with him is that he eats special food for a urinary something condition. It's kinda expensive and its a pain to try and keep him from eating Ember's food and Ember from eating his food. Blah. In the end they'll probably just both eat his kind of food, but I don't want to waste the bag of food I already have for Ember. Also, with two cats we definitely need a better vacuum. Ugh.
What else is going on....I've been nannying on and off as they call me. G is working pretty much full time at Freeman AVW again, which is nice for paying bills and stuff.