Lat night Tiffany was planning what to bring to Tom's 21st Birthday Party
"I'll bring some run and butterscotch schnapps and we can make-"
"Butterbeer!" I exclaimed with extreme enthusiasm
"I was going to say Buttery Nipples..."
In my time away from VH I missed a very important Harry Potter thing: The Very Potter Musical've been singing it all weekend. The kids playing the trio in this are so much more what I expected Harry Ron and Hermione to look like. The play itself is very strange, Americanized, and thrown together in a way as to make fun of as much HPness is a little time as possible. Actually, the American accents make it seem less...made up, lol. There are a few pretty epic moments though.
As for VH, it's going well. I love my new morgan 2.0 character and have had a few awesome rps already.
BUT I almost had a breakdown when I saw what the person who took over Longbottom did...
Made him marry Hannah.
UGH. I could KILL whoever allowed that.
Just UGH.
But I got on msn and found that some of my fellow newsorts are actually oldies, and we reminisced about the olden days and bashed some of the dumb new rules together and now I feel better.
I just truly and honestly wish that there was a way I could communicate my frustrations/suggestions to the current modorators in a constructive (and non-offensive) way. I mean, I've been around since VH3 and was a professor on there for real life years. The only professor who was around longer was Giordiano!
Any suggestions, VHers who may be reading this?