May 16, 2008 23:55
Wow. Exhaustion at a whole new level, right here. Almost every day this week it's been 8:30 a.m to about 2 p.m. at Texas Parks and Wildlife, then 4-8 p.m. (or later--tonight it was 11:30 p.m.) at Pluckers doing training.
TPWD is awesome. It's a frikkin desk job. A job where people are allowed to take bathroom breaks, and lunch breaks, and when I leave there for the day, I'm actually truly really done for the day. And they are paying me! I'm having trouble even understanding how a job this awesome is possible. Now I really really really want to be a professional editor. I mean...this stuff is easy, and even fun. My job is mostly fact-checking and copy-editing. I underline names, dates, phone numbers, web addresses etc. and use both google and my ingenuity to find out if they are correct. For copy-editing, I just look for anything that looks off or incorrect and look it up in the AP style guide or dictionary. After three years of English-Majoring, this is a breeze...heck, I even think it's fun! Plus I learn some really interesting things. Did you know that there is a colony of sperm whales that lives in the Gulf of Mexico? Or that the Marine Conservation Society turned more than 30 abandoned oil rig platforms off the coast of Houston into blossoming coral reefs?
Plucker's is like the opposite of TPWD, unfortunately. I worked the floor shadowing a guy named Conner tonight. He was nice enough I guess. It will be a relief to be done training and actually make some money. I think I can handle it for 100 bucks a night. That kind of money is just worth it, ya know? I screwed up kinda a lot tonight...I tend to be sorta uni-focused and try to do one thing at a time instead of making rounds that accomplish a lot at once.
Wednesday was the worst as far as Plucker's all day. We have to memorize the menu, the specials, and all the alcohol (and what's in them, and how much they are) which sucks, since I HATE memorizing things. Plus I studied like a fiend for my menu test and then everyone else just cheated, so I was pissed as all hell, had no gas in my car, no non-slip shoes, only one pair of jeans (with an ink stain on it UGH), two more tests and three training courses to go, and no money to get any of the things I needed. So I went home and just cried at my dad for like an hour. He filled up my tank and bought me some shoes, thank God. I made it back to Austin, just barely racing out before the Huge Hail Storm of Doom pummeled me to smithereens. Then I got to get up at 8:30 and keep on going on.
Tomorrow is my only day off until A-Kon, so please don't bother me unless I've already asked you to. I need to sleep, take my TABC test, study for the Alcohol Memory exam, buy some jeans, and work on my costume.
bad day,