Had a horribly disturbing dream last night. I was in this large basement with a group of people, all who I didn't recognize as people in my life but I knew who they were in the dream. I think the world was in the middle of some large war because after a while of us being in this basement there was an announcment that the group we were fighting had decided to fight back and were going to come bomb us like we had bombed them. There was so much confusion as we all tried to decide the best place to be in case the house got bombed. I suggested under the stairs since in tornados that's where you're supposed to stay. Some of us huddled there while others jumped on this trampoline, they wanted to know what it was like to fly or something.
I remember those of us who were under the stairs decided to give each other something that held meaning to ourselves. When it came to my turn I took the necklace with the ring Nickolej gave me off of my neck and was going to give it to someone. But then I couldn't. So I gave away one of my braclets instead and claimed it was good luck.
This young man beside me gave a girl a coin and then he said, "we will not fall in victory like churchill." And we all repeated it until we were screaming it at the top of our lungs. And the suddenly all the lights came on and there was an announcment that said the bombers had gone and it was safe. We all cheered and then glanced out the window. But something was wrong as people who were going out of their houses were being gunned down. We panicked and I screamed to shut the lights off and hide. We all tried to find places to hide, under the windows so the people coming to look in them couldn't see us. Fire was opened against the windows and then I woke up.