May 13, 2005 10:08
For the past week, I've been listening to nothing but 90s pop and I love it. Hm, what else. Had an excellent time Friday night (note how I'm taking care not to divulge any information!). Also, I somehow lost my red purse yesterday. Which sucks a whole lot. Had my Fire & Ice lipstick and my pretty shiny compact. So I apologize for the ugly that has been a result of that.
I have been having a lot of really odd dreams lately. About a week ago, Seneca moved in to my house. Weird. And Ben keeps dying. It's happened about five times already. Yesterday, we were in health class, which is weird because he isn't in my health class, and he told me he was mad at me because I was ignoring him. And I said "I don't want to talk to you anymore because you're going to die". And he said "how am I going to die?". And suddenly everything was hilarious and I said "YOU'RE GOING TO FALL OUT OF A FUCKING TREE!".
Which is only funny if you known Ben.