Sep 13, 2007 15:18
1. Do you believe an incident similar to 9/11 can happen again? Why or why not?
Of course something like 9/11 could happen again, especially if our security is not strict enough. I think our enemies are smarter than we give them credit for - they know that eventually we will forget 9/11, and our stringent security will slowly diminish. They just have to give us all time to forget that tragic event that took 2,974 lives and left countless mentally and physically wounded. Security has already begun to fade out; just give it time. As scary as it sounds, our main concern is to protect ourselves until the war is over.
2. How do you feel about the troop’s occupation of Iraq?
Everyone in my family is or was in the service. My mom was in the Marine Corp., my grandfather and father were both in the navy, two uncles that were in the army (one recently retired as a __________), and at this very moment I have two cousins in Iraq - one as an army officer, the other is in the air force. I suppose you could say it runs in our family. Relating to the actual troops, of course I support their valor to die for their loved ones, not to mention the millions of people that are against the war. We really do owe them our freedom, and they deserve some respect.
As for the “war,” I’m not totally for it. At first, I thought we may find nuclear weapons. When we didn’t I thought, “Well, maybe we can actually help the Iraqi people.” Six years later, it’s obvious they don’t really want our help. There may be a select few who do, and for them, I am sorry.
I have heard enough stories of women being beaten in the streets, being stoned to death, ritual executions, and the like. It’s awful, but it’s also their way of life. As much as I may not agree with it, it seems to have become obvious that the Iraqis don’t want our help.
3. Based on information you already know, what do you believe will happen if our troops are pulled out of Iraq?
Honestly, I have no idea. I imagine that Muslim radicals will probably have a few minor attacks planned and will execute those plans against the American people once they feel we have “given up.” Who knows what will happen? I guess it’s on everyone’s mind, but no one knows what to do.
4. Do you support President Bush’s actions in dealing with Iraq? Why or why not?
Before I give my personal opinion, I must point something out. Many people trash-talk the war, but what would you have done in Bush’s situation? Sure, six years later we can think of something, but as a president he must act quickly and decisively. Billions of lives are in his hands.
Now for a shocker: I don’t support the war. Are you surprised? I simply feel that before we all belittle the war, we must put ourselves in his place. Do you have a better solution to our country’s problems?
I did support the war, but let me clarify; I support his first decision of occupying Iraq in the first place. I do not agree with his decisions relating to the war since then. In part, I do support the occupation, but for the most part, I do not.