My second meme

Oct 17, 2004 10:34

How common are _imran_'s interests
Universal books (186866)
chocolate (102422)
computers (265117)
drawing (168573)
friends (336539)
harry potter (126522)
movies (538818)
photography (230452)
rain (112920)
reading (351744)

Popular family guy (60095)
fantasy (63566)
history (62661)
ice cream (60114)
internet (73597)
pizza (54151)
politics (54441)
the simpsons (59970)

Common bad religion (23335)
caffeine (13949)
comedy (39865)
creativity (27010)
dragons (38807)
fight club (49225)
films (23776)
fun (37610)
futurama (24265)
geeks (16310)
ghosts (17995)
intelligence (21552)
libraries (10448)
linux (13523)
literature (44230)
livejournal (23313)
london (23306)
math (13960)
monty python (40846)
mythology (42841)
pasta (14953)
photoshop (26675)
programming (17681)
queen (31175)
sci-fi (24995)
science (26165)
science fiction (32066)
shiny things (10070)
south park (34520)
star trek (19969)
tea (37061)
technology (13974)
terry pratchett (10173)
they might be giants (10783)
thunderstorms (30487)
vegetarianism (19380)

Specialist artificial intelligence (2537)
blackadder (3231)
c (2618)
card games (4668)
castles (6589)
coding (2698)
computer science (3004)
crosswords (1337)
cryptography (1476)
dilbert (3092)
discworld (4655)
etymology (2282)
father ted (1819)
females (4009)
go (2761)
good omens (2051)
irc (6280)
isaac asimov (1918)
linguistics (8411)
logic (5614)
mathematics (4993)
mind games (1463)
open source (1991)
paranormal (8437)
quizzes (6809)
red dwarf (8050)
scifi (4391)
sf (1580)
slashdot (1251)
stargate (4602)
stargate sg-1 (3884)
tamora pierce (2590)
unix (5434)
west wing (2926)
world domination (5814)
x-files (8542)

Unusual algorithms (546) (53)
asterix (387)
bristol university (21)
british asians (3)
civ2 (28)
civilization (694)
codes (689)
computer art (920)
constructed languages (161)
cryptic crosswords (143)
current affairs (557)
diana wynne jones (840)
free software (707)
general knowledge (76)
interactive fiction (414)
l-space (34)
lojban (61)
maths (997)
memes (866)
ntk (31)
photo editing (549)
science fiction and fantasy (173)
second hand bookshops (44)
sid meier (78)
simcity (396)
space travel (844)
st:tng (247)
star trek tng (452)
startrek (377)
text adventures (137)
usenet (514)
user friendly (401)
what if's (31)
wiki (102)
wikipedia (318)

Rare (1)

Enjoy :-)

Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome as always.

Update: As a number of people have mentioned it the rare category has changed slighltly so it now covers interests which have less than 10 people (before it used to only list unique interests).

Note: If you're having problems posting this meme to your lj using a tool like semagic try posting via the lj website instead, some clients appear to be having trouble posting this meme without breaking it.

Note 2: Some people are getting "none" listed when they actually have interests, this is due to a bug in the caching system. If you wait 7 hours and try again it should work, alternativly as a quick fix you could just capitalize your username differently (i.e. capitalize the first letter, or use all caps) and the meme will think you're a different user and will hence bypass the cache.

Update 2 (21/Oct): Sometime in the next 48 hours I'm going to chage webhost so memeland might disappear for a short while, hopefully not to long though. Sorry if this effects you :(.
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