Title: Kill Will (Prologue, 0/?)
elekanahmen aka Jax
Fandom: Criminal Minds, Nikki & Nora (Crossover)
Pairing: JJ/Emily, Nikki/Nora JJ/Will implied
Disclaimer- I don't own them, as they're clearly NOT chained up in my closet
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Dark & Mysterious Bar meetings
Summary: Two men discuss murder for hire.
Note: Fic #4 in the
"All Your Bunnies Are Belong To ME" Challenge, aka the "I'm bored, give me a prompt" challenge on my lj.
cyandragonfly, Prologue on your JJ/Emily Nikki/Nora Murder in New Orleans extravaganza! Chapters for this will be posted in tandem with the rest of the challenges, a side-car of fic if you will.
Prompt: CM x N&N: JJ/Emily, Nikki/Nora, The murder of William LaMontagne Jr., a bit of story. (Have a feeling this will become a chapterfic. I've so been avoiding those, Franks. Thanks =P Also, this will not be related to Jessi's request. Separate stories.)
He clutched the small shot glass between his fingers, blue eyes meeting haggard brown eyes across the smoky table. “You tell me you can do this, boy…” he drawled, “and you’re off scott free.”
“Now what would your daddy say about you sayin’ that, kid?” The reply was gruff, malice infused with years of smoking hand rolled cigarettes.
“My daddy ain’t got nothing to do with this, and I’d appreciate it if you left him out of this. This is between me and that whore bitch, you got me?”
“She must have stepped on your balls really hard to make you want me to do this, man.”
A smile curled at his lips, “Oh she did more than step on my balls, boy. Bitch fuckin ripped ‘em off and fed ‘em to my dog. Took my kid and ran off with another woman. She’s gonna regret that if it’s the last thing I do.”
Fat, calloused fingers picked up the picture of the two women and smiled, blowing thick cancerous smoke into the faces smiling back from the paper, “Now, if I’m not mistaken, sir… It will be the last thing you do.”
“That’s what I’m hoping. I’ll see you tonight. You fuck this up, and you’ll go where you belong and I’ll see you in Hell.” The thin man stood from the table, throwing back his shot of whiskey and nodded at the tall, rotund man before turning on the heel of his cowboy boots, strolling out of the bar.