[ Nervous and trembling to shambles. ]

Sep 19, 2004 18:10

The court case is tomorrow, 9:30am.

-nervous swaying back and forth-

I'm gonna see him tomorrow. After October '03 I haven't, and the day Ima gonna see him again is tomorrow. Tomorrow.

I feel like I'm gonna die.

I wanna die.

My life's gone to smithereens anyway. Yus.

But I can take it.

In other news, my lip is swollen up slightly, but otherwise s'good. A little sore.

Uhh... Yus.

Not much to type about, just nervous about tomorrow.

-deep sigh-

If you don't hear from me by tomorrow evening, I'm dead. +_X;

I mean it.

Rie x
In your sweetest torment I am lost.
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