Dec 30, 2008 15:10

So, it's December 30, 2008. Believe it or not, 2009 is right around the corner. You're going to wake up tommorow and it'll be done; 2008, that is. But life will continue to flow, and the world will keep on spinning...don't you think? Well I think that me with a mohawk is a very funny thing, but it's as to not be in my face and whatnot. I also think that I've gone a bit mad. XD So, I was going to post a ton of pictures but it's not going to happen. Smply because my writing skills are far more advanced than my camera skills. Do shots of me in the bathroom posing for my boyfriend count as photography? In this new age digital myspace world? We are all so connected. By this computer a multitude of people could possibly be reading these very words....Or not! The truth I don't know. I don't know whether or not my friends are really government spies. I don't know if my mind and my body are in the same reality. I like to believe that there is an Absolute Truth. That we Are All One. You get it? That each and everything I do reflects off my mom, which reflects in her work, which reflects in the faces of her patients, which then reflects off the faces of all their get it?

Over the summer, for my 19th birthday, I picked up a little grey rat with a white star on his belly. He was named Captain Peago - Starlite Dancing. We're buddies, but the little dude is sick right now and I'm really hoping that he's going to make it through this. I'm doing everything I can, and he's responded by a little bit of eating fresh fruits and veggies. Lots of sleeping and a little bit of grooming. Hoping that he just inhaled some dust bunnies when he escaped and ran into the couch. This one lady told me to give him a little bit of Peptobismol. Ahh..we'll see. It's not a good feeling to see my little baby all sick and lethargic....

Oh, B. How do I start on you. 1000 miles away, I'm wondering what you must be doing tonight. What I'm really wondering is why I feel so alone without you. How badly I want to pick myself up and be where you are. It will be a year almost since the Blessed day we met, and more and more my mind is spinning. Trying to get by everyday with a set of goals - motivation. All I want in life is to shine and bring happiness to those around me. I want to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those is prison....All the ways I can put God before myself. Or if you don't want to say God...Love, Peace, Justice. Sparkling Light. I'm going to add that everyone makes stupid mistakes and decisions. But that does not mean that you are not worthy of love and forgiveness.

Sureeely, I've gone mad. Mad Mad Maad. It is 6:30pm and I can't figure out a God damned thing to do....besides watch a stupid stupid episode of Family Guy. WOO!
Fuuuuuuuuck........rhiehif dkfsjd
My first day of college is January 20, 2009 and I really honestly can not wait. It is time to use my thinking energy and promote positivity in all ways. And I get to ask a bunch of questions and get answers...and hopefully be asked a bunch of questions to answer.

Hey how bout this little state being in the biggest CRUNCH. How bout OUR FUCKING FREEDOM! Ehhhhh!!? Ehhh!?

So...I'm wrapping up my livejournal adventures for the night. Pancakes! CIAO.<3<3
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