damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Jul 06, 2005 22:24

i get paid tomorrow FUCK YEAH. i figured i am going to be shot at work since already someone has been bit in the head when he was working and had to get stitches, two ppl have been arrested and someone tried to steal from the bank..the next thing has to be bullet fight. i went to taste of MN on the 4th it was really fun, boys II men was playing! i didnt even know they were stil around...i got the henna tattoo thing done on my hand its pretty fun, i was a bit sore though that day since i drank saturday and sunday...THE OLD HOLLY IS BACK-fucking drunk ass

for the people who i have not talked to recently...i hope your summer is going GREAT<3I MISS YA'LL!!!!

i leave for south carolina the 14th and dont get back till the 25th
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