(no subject)

Apr 02, 2005 10:39

i just woke up and im pissed off

and everyone thats talking me im freaking out on

im pissed off that proms gonna suck:
im like going with two people
we dont have a limo
were not like doing anythign afterwords
and i can jsut tell its gonna suck

hmm lets so how fucked over i am with my frineds:
i dont even know what happened
one day there just liked, we have problems
"i've changed" i know i've fucking changed but i can't help it
i don't even know what to do anymore
i don't wanna loose them cuz they mean so much to me
they jsut don't seem to care if they loose me

yeha and im really 'disappointed' not mad just disappoineted that one of my best frineds had a party and didnt invite me. grr.

i feel like everythign is my falut. people are telling me it isnt but i jsut have a feeling it is.

i mean i hung out with john mary and later jesss and i had fun. but i miss not being able to call franny and cory to hang out.

i think latley we have just grown apart.


and i dont know what to do anymore. i hate myself so much. i hate my family. they suck so much. and i hate everythign about me and my life.
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