I meant to update quite a few times over the last couple of days but once again, I'm one lazy son of a gun so I didn't.
i Watched Boondock Saints with Kayla the other day which I had never seen. Always meant to 'cause
fleurdelista told me to see it like a hella long time ago. Finally got around to it. ^_^ It was awesome!!1 I highly reccomend it to all of you.
ii Turned Jess into a Doctor Who fan. XD YAY!
iii I've decided to get the fist tattoo (see last entry) but instead of the peace sign being red I'm gonna get it all black and gray. Rock and Roll. Jess and I will probably just get our tattoos at the same time. Because we're awesome like that.
iv Jess said she loved me to pieces today. It made me happy. ^_^
v Going to see Debora-Jean Creelman (of Mother Mother) tomorrow! YAY!!! <3 If Ryan is there I'm gonna die.
vi Okay, now that I' actually updating, I have nothing to say o.O
vii I am lame and did not know that Gareth David Llyod was in a band.
Look at him be hard core and rock out avec his band!!1 XD <3