
Jul 31, 2006 21:01

"Sometimes, you just have to forget the rules, follow your heart and see where it takes you...never apologise for saying what you feel because that's like saying sorry for being real...never regret anything you said or did because at some point, it was what you wanted...true strength is being able to hold it all toegether when everyone else is expecting you to fall apart"

I like that quote. It speaks quite a lot. I think I am strongwilled in many things but we all have our weaknesses. We've all been prone to those moments. I decide to write to you another time because it is true what Rae said that I need to let go. I look back at the entry just now and I sound depressed like nobody's business. I suppose that's just me and there will be times when it comes back to me again and again but I shall move on,neh?

Should just forget about this, focus on my studies and have a great time with my friends. I despise those who stab you, but life is a bitch and what would you do without them? Heh.


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