
Dec 01, 2012 21:52

So I broke down & made a profile on plenty of fish. Wednesday to be exact. That evening I get a message from someone I know (embarrassing) ... Along with 3647586 other messages. We start small talking & I told him he should take me out for a steak dinner date (jokingly)... He agrees. So we start talking.. Nonstop. All day. He's the sweetest thing. Previously I met him once through a mutual friend... So I didn't know much about him.

We went on our first "date" last night. It was perfect. We laughed. We made fun of each other. When we went our separate ways he sent me a text.. "I didn't want the night to end yet" ummm cute! He's so freakin sweet. And seems so genuine. This is exactly what I needed.

On that note, he's on his way here to get me for date #2. =)

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