blah. today was good. school till 10:10. had a little party in mrs hawes class with the cool kids. or un-cool kids in some cases. went to the rally after. ive never been to a rlly at school so i thought id try. yeah so it was just the cheer leaders doing not much of anything. cause our cheer leaders suck pretty much. they stand... and clap. it all came straight out of a movie it was halarious. went home... watched saw with tina steph maleni and sarah.... bootlegs are the shit but i already saw it so it wasnt even scary it def was more funny this time. went downtown. got the things i needed for my secret thing. went to no problemo. nuno from si was def working there. that was wierd. went to mcdonalds went home. i dunno what happened after that cause i almost fell asleep 50 times.... i got my new camera. im soo tired right now. no school for the next two days yesssssssss. so much sleeps gonna be happening in my bed. ok... im done. latahhhhh
stephy poo
aw jess
glen jess and craig.... glens too cool to excited like they are
i think craig tried to shoot my friend.... they have to be his fingers look at alyzza in the back haha
hahaha that makes me giggle
i dunno who took this picture but everythings very blurry behind him including melissa
i dunno who took this one either.. it just appered and its brock
that kid has a meaaaan face
Alyzza Alyzza!
mmm doritos
walking backwards is unsafeee
most un-school spirited award goessssss to! craig dawson.
oooooh alyzza