May 05, 2008 17:23
So what can I say about these past two weeks...
Had a fika with Niffe last monday. It was so nice we both kind of forgot the issue at hand, but I'm guessing we're both relatively clear on why things have ended up as they have, and while I do still have a serious ache in my chest and a large difficulty keeping my hands and lips off of him I no longer wonder about the how's and why's of what we're doing, which is a big relief.
...shit, have to write back to my one night stand from last wednesday, forgot about that.
Oh yeah, I guess that hasn't been analyzed yet. Anyway, monday and tuesday contained vast amounts of crying and staring deeply down a bottle of Jameson. Wednesday I'd promised Kricka a night at VG's, so we met up at my place, psyched Johannes about his girlfriend for a few hours and headed for the nation. And would you believe it they actually had a decent looking man there (aside from Kricka of course)! Some long stares and dancing with a ridiculously drunken Kricka later (note to self: never feed that man Tequila again) good looking appeared before me. We talked, laughed, headed over to his place and fucked each others brains out the whole night. (Excuse the uncouth language but to be honest that's the most precis description of our behavior.)
As you all know this is incredibly unlike me. I've never had a one night stand before, at least not with a guy I havn't known intimately and considered a dear friend beforehand. Neither have I woken up, gone home (or to be more precise to Copenhagen) and realized I have no idea what his name was either, but that's beside the point. He was witty, good-looking, good in bed, (although not as good as Niffe of course) and had a nice smell, but I have to say I was very surprised when he stopped me and asked me for my number before I headed off the day after. And now he's been sending me messages daily since...
Strange, and to think I thought I'd heared everything about how these short-termed liaisons are carried out.
Well, time is short and fleeting, so the rest will have to follow at another date.