Back Again

Mar 21, 2006 11:56

Back in Lund after a week filled with cookies and Shadow Of The Colossus. The contrast between meeting all my friends and snuggling with Charlie and Johan on the one hand... and reading page after page of boring first-order logic in my frugal room on the other is quite staggering.

But it was nice to hang out with everyone in the corridor again. Jennifer's first reaction upon seeing me was a loud "Thank God!" and a fierce hug. Apparently John has been having severe Jessie-abstinence and has been bugging her non-stop, spending all the time he usually spends with me + the time he spends with her complaining and being weird.

It's good to know I've been missed.

Now I just have to deal with all the messages people have been sending me this week that I haven't been able to answer. That and logic...

corridor, school

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