Oct 21, 2004 08:20
they're watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre next to me..
im kinda freaking out...
i want to dance.
this school has NO SPRIRIT !@#$%^&*
yay red sox.
this week isnt going fast enough.
stephanie is trying to beat the system and sign on AIM.its not working
i cant wait for friday!!!!
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thats my goal in this class to sign on aim one day
<3 Stephii
go to https://www.proxify.com (with the s)
and then unselect the 3 boxes with the checks, and type in the site for aim, and it'll let you in, unless the server's busy
or, do the more important things. like watch porn.
this is what happens when you have 3 computer classes...
i had nightmares last nightttt
fucking movie
and how are u listening to that
when the move is onnn
i missed u todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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