Jul 18, 2005 21:29
spent tonight wrestling with printers, scanners and pictures that insisted on being blue when i swear that even to my colour resistant eyes they were red. I really don't get colour management, everything i read says that you have to turn it all off for it to work, but you need to pay lots of money for profiles. but then they get turned off. or photoshop works it out for you. but only if your monitors callibrated right. and even then only if the full moon coincides with once in a millenia flowering of the holy chrysanthemum of benficence.
i'm in the mood for some def leppard.
went and saw the descent last week. it is much enjoyably scary. alex came with me to see it again, though he confessed he sat through most of it with his eyes closed. we both also managed to spill sauce all down our fronts from the caury wraps we deviously smuggled in from the indian across the way (dont know if anyone noticed when they were down that manchester cinemas are kinda freaky. you got the silent hill/dawn of the dead desolate shopping mall on one side of town, and on the other the printworks which consists of a bizarre indoor high street, complete with pseudo wet look fake cobbles and a full range of the worst clubs known to man).but why does smuggling food into a cinema seem so illicit? and why do you always end up with it all over you? the 10 minutes after leaving the cinema seem to be spent picking fugitive popcorn out of my trousers.
in other knews, i saw my first dirty picture at work. or the first one that didnt involve the manchester morris dancing men. they are filthy. and i got my lab coat so now im officially a tech. or a dentist.
yup, def leppard definitely rock.