((Why does my text RANDOMLY TURN INTO HEBREW. LOOK I AM A PROPHET)) 'יךף'נףךעזסבפךשדחכףךעףעקןםפמ

Nov 30, 2006 13:14

Urameshi Yuusuke from Yuu Yuu Hakushou (_icallshotgun_)

App Percentage: 87.5% (35 - 5)
Played From: June 27th, 2005 to present.
That's How Long? 17 months.
Total Comments: 17,893
Overall Percentage: 35%
Reason For Apping: When I found CFUD I was really into Naruto, but the Naruto cast was basically taken. So I thought long and hard about a character I could really stretch out with, very nearly apped Inuzuka Kiba, and suddenly realized Yuusuke would fit in pretty well at zombie camp. I ran out and obtained the first four volumes, and then I needed him in zombie camp.
Select Option 3? Those first four volumes were basically all I had to go on when I apped. I went from that plus “knowing only what American fandom remembers from those horrible VHS subs” to “knowing everything” over the course of a year. While I’ve played him, he’s gone from human to human/demon mix (when I was confused by my own canon) to demon entirely (when I figured it out). He has aged from 14 to 18 in the process. Thus, Yuusuke - the only character I’ve played with a complete canon - has gradually undergone an entire series’ overhaul, while everyone else has barely been touched. And because of the open-back nature of the ending and side-effects of the final arc, he is still changing.

Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid (snakeinthebox)

App Percentage: 88.5% (46 - 6)
Played From: July 2005 to present.
That's How Long? 16 months.
Total Comments: 3,531
Overall Percentage: 6%
Reason For Apping: Snake is a fucking hero. The number of men gar for Snake is higher than the number of men gay for Bridget. Snake fucks Chuck Norris with a gun every Wednesday while watching football and tranqing Russians, and then he goes home to Otacon and saves his game and possibly cuddles in a manly fashion after taking care of his sled dogs. I have such a huge crush on Snake I don’t even know where to start. MGS defines the action/crack/homo genre. Defines. You can pry Snake from my cold, dead hands.
Select Option 3? Snake has aged at least four years physically since he arrived. The moogle post was a whim with no foresight at all.

Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist (mechaholic)

App Percentage: 96.2% (51 - 2)
Played From: Semptember 2005 to February 2006
That's How Long? 6 months.
Total Comments: 3,982
Overall Percentage: 7%
Reason For Dropping: Winry feels like twenty thousand comments. I loved Winry, and for months I had the pace and social energy she needed to remotely do her justice. However, December and January shook my energy level permanently down, and I lost that vital steam. I ran out of ideas, and soon I couldn’t hang on to her anymore, not if it meant she would be fading into the background. Camp needed to remember her as being in the foreground. >:
Select Option 3? Winry is tied with, if not higher than, Nami from One Piece for my favorite female character of all time. SOMEBODY APP HER SHE’S REALLY AMAZING.

Colonel Roy Mustang from Fullmetal Alchemist (gloves_come_off)

App Percentage: 95.2% (60 - 3) (GOT SHINN’S VOTE)
Played From: October 2005 to present.
That's How Long? 13 months.
Total Comments: 25,578
Overall Percentage: 47%
Reason For Apping: Previously, I apped characters I knew weren’t that popular, wouldn’t have competition, and wouldn’t have pressure. aviy promised me Riza. I couldn’t have cared less for Roy as a character from the anime - but after reading the manga for Winry, he had my attention, and Aviy, being a conniving whore, knew it. I reread for him, and caved. His character has made me cry more than any other character ever, and that’s saying a lot, considering I was fourteen and nubile when Nuriko died. Despite how pretty he is in the show, I didn’t find him uncontrollably sexy until I read the manga. His fight with Lust and his bickering with Havoc afterwards did me in. Basically, I love idiots.
Select Option 3? Roy is my third current character to have been at camp for over a year.

Gon Freaks from Hunter x Hunter (jankengon)

App Percentage: 90.6% (48 - 5)
Played From: March 2006 through September 2006.
That's How Long? 6 months.
Total Comments: 1,309
Overall Percentage: 2%
Reason For Dropping: Gon feels like only two months or less. aviy was trying for Killua again, and I loved Gon, so I double-apped with her. The problem was, Killua was actually smart and familiar with all of canon - and I was not caught up, a la Yuusuke. So, I avoided playing him after the first post, because I was so nervous about getting canon right. School slammed me, I got distracted, Summer was horribly stressful, and I never finished reading HxH. Instead of getting settled in camp Gon still was "new" five months later. I hung onto him tight though, because despite being paranoid I still loved having him, loved it when I did bring him out, and it wasn’t like I was keeping him from anybody. In the end, though, Killua wanted to drop, and I decided it was time to let go. It really makes me sad, just because it could've been so much better if I hadn't messed up, and I wanted to show camp why I loved him so much. But it was time to move on. I love you, Gon. My tiny OTP. D:
Select Option 3? My favorite intro post and my favorite post in general for me - the Shouta post - are Gon’s. Killua and Gon conspiring against Gwendal for candy is still one of my all-time favorite threads.

Houshakuji Renge from Ouran High School Host Club (select_option_3)

App Percentage: 93.2% (55 to 4) [QUAD BATTLE], 87.8% (43 to 6) [FINAL ROUND]
Played From: May 2006 through July 2006.
That's How Long? 2 months.
Total Comments: 503
Overall Percentage: 1%
Reason For Dropping: This was a spaz app. I was thrilled to be enjoying an anime for the first time in a year, and Renge had me in stitches. I’M GONNA APP RENGE, I declared. YOU CANNOT KEEP HER UP YOU WILL BURN OUT, aviy said. SCREW YOU I WILL NOT I HAVE TONS OF IDEAS, I said. With that in mind, I went through a stressful quad-batch, buckled under the pressure, could’t keep up with Ouran, made myself paranoid, summer was horrible, and finally nailed myself into a self-fulfilling prophecy and burned out. If our current Renge hadn’t reapped, I would have shriveled up from guilt. I am SO much happier knowing she’s playing her, as she is perfect for her and I was a flake. I-I’ll always love her app and intro post, though.
Select Option 3? This option’s fame is my fault, which is Il Palazzo’s fault. Because of this username, I held at LEAST ten conversations with another person insisting that the “third option” in dating games was not always the best/crack answer. IT’S JUST AN EXCEL SAGA REFERENCE, GUYS. PUT. IT. IN.

Kyon from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi (cuevoiceover)

App Percentage: 89.7% (52 - 3 - 3) [DOUBLE]
Played From: November 2006 on!
That's How Long? 1 month.
Total Comments: 924
Overall Percentage: 2%
Reason For Apping: Kyon was irresistible as a character. MoSH is fantastic, and gorgeous, and fresh, but especially because it's told by a guy like Kyon, cynical and sarcastic but tolerant and funny and good-natured - very down-to-earth and very real. Unlike every other character I've apped, he is never the cause of chaos - chaos happens to him. I was worried about the change of pace, and also worried because a very different Kyon was in camp before - but I desperately wanted to show camp the Kyon I saw, the one I totally fell in love with. Camp is completely perfect for him to suffer through. |D It helped that I adore our Haruhi and Nagato. I waited a round just to be certain it wasn’t a spaz app and verify that I really wanted him, and LO. I did.
Select Option 3? Thanks to the LJ Outage, Rey never voted on Kyon, thus I maintain having never been voted out by Rey. HOHOHO. And I will NEVER KNOW if I earned Neji’s vote, as she didn’t vote either. ): ALSO NOTEABLE, Kohaku voted Kyon in (got her where it counted!), thus she and Shinn are tied for my hardest votes to get. This app round was by far the most stressful, thank you LJ.


I've played here HOW long? 17 months plus.
Overall Comment Count: 53,500+
Average Comments Per Day: Around 143.
Shortest Kept: Renge (2 months)
Longest Kept: Yuusuke (17+ months)
Most Played: Roy (25,578 comments, 48%)
Least Played: Renge (503 comments, 1%)
Highest Percentage: Winry (96.2%)
Lowest Percentage: Yuusuke (87.5%)

Character Balancing: One look at how long I've had Snake compared to Roy and you can spot that I am a failure, and that is A-OK with me! To me, character balancing was never the point - it was getting the character out for what he NEEDED TO BE OUT FOR. And Snake is a stealthy son of a bitch, while Roy is a social ladder climber. My one failing is Yuusuke not getting out as often as he ought to, but even that isn't so bad because while he's easy to socialize with, he's also a punk and thus fine with being reclusive. THUS, I WIN.

As for character stamina, three of my four characters are a year old. I’d say that staying power compensates for my failures.
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