F1A baby!!

Aug 27, 2003 13:29

What a freakin’ trip this all is. I keep trying to update and I can’t sit down for more than 5 minutes because I am always going out with people or going to some party etc. etc. Monday night we went out this party that was huge. When the cops came they were saying that there were about 400 people there. It was crazy. It’s so funny watching drunken people make fools of themselves. I love it! After we left the party, Eric and Martin (he is Bulgarian…grrr) came back to the house and we all hung out in my room because I have the best stereo. Hell yeah. It pays to have a tech family! They stayed till like 2:00 and we were just being stupid and having bottle rocket contests in the quad. Oh wait…that was last night, just kidding. I don’t really know what we did Monday night! Tuesday was quite shitty because my parents left in the AM which sent me down. And then the stress of impending class didn’t help that much at all. But Tuesday night was great. We are buying this TV for our living room and we wanted something to make the wall more exciting; so we took all of our magazines and cut them to shreds. We have the most kick-ass collage materials. Eric and Martin were over again and they stayed till about 11:30. We were all sharing out ‘experiences’ and such. Boys are so funny…after they left the we were crazy. Elena, Cami, Kerri, Amanda and I were in Cami and Kerri’s room till 1:30 just being idiots. It was the most fun I had had in a really long time. Amanda and I didn’t go to bed till after 2. And I had to get up at 7 for class today. My classes were really cool. My chem. Prof is really sick. She is young, from SD, and is totally open to helping and making things fun. This is just the way I learn. My English prof. is so funny. Absent-minded professor to a “t.’ that’s all the class I had for today, and it was pretty cool. Tomorrow I have a nasty day. But it all equals out in the end I suppose. So for now, I have the best housemates EVER, really cool classes, and I LOVE it up here. Yeah…
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