Jun 10, 2005 23:48

soo, finals were this week and i guess it went pretty well. better than i expected, so thats good. Tuesday i had spanish and history..those were pretty easy but whenever i say something was easy or i did good on something..i end up failing haha. wednesday was gym and science..that was my easiest day, i think i did well one those. thursday i had math and english. ahh math was hard! i guessed on like atleast 1/2 of those questions. i ended up with a 72% on it though soo i guess im a pretty good guesser haha. and english we didnt have one kuz it was a take home one so that was good.

ahhhh noo more schoool! its finally summmer! im so excited! a lot is going to happen this summer! :-D I have to hang out with everyone this summer though, seriously.. if you ever want to do something call me and id love to chill with you!! :-D

YAYYY its summer 05!! wahooo!

Anyone going anything fun over the summer???
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