(no subject)

Jun 01, 2005 20:13

Slept in your bed:   me...other then that? crevis, vania, katie, john, jenn, maybe kyle? yah, it was odd.
Saw you cry:   vania
Made you cry:   vania, or the little boy i read about on the internet
Spent the night at your house: ummm, vania, crevis, sarah, jenn, katie, kyle, john, ryan, dustin, bob
You shared a drink with: vania
You went to the movies with: vania, crevis and john
You went to the mall with: doobface and foreigner
Yelled at you: vania

Sent you an e-mail: uhhh UVM actually
Said they were going to kill you: vania

Said "I love you" and meant it? yes
Gotten in a fist fight? ahaha yeah
Been to New York? just the airport...pas bien
Hawaii? non

Mexico? no
China? negative

Canada? oui! hier mai.
Danced naked? totally in the shower. like every morning
Have a really bad feeling about something then it happened? totally

Wish you were the opposite sex? every month
Had an imaginary friend? hell yeah!

Red or blue? Blue
Spring or fall? fall. i prefer to call it autumn, because fuck you, im that cool. and i love soccer, and hiking in autumn
Santa or Rudolph? santa bitch. he has a bowl like jelly

Math or English? engliiiish!
What are you going to do after you finish this survey? situps and homework
What was the last food you ate? cauliflower
Are you bored? yahhhhh
How many buddies are on? 100/198

Last noise you heard? some lady who was talking crazy fast on tv
Last time you went out of the state: good question!
Things you like in a girl: uh? well, fun, spontanious, and a kickass friend. honesty and openness are biggies.
Have crush on someone? Yes
Do they know? unfortunately
What's her name? her?

What is on your mouse pad? shitty dell shit
Favorite board game? life!!!!

Worst feeling in the world? watching someone fade away, and not being able to do anything about it

What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? either FUCK!! or i wake up singing and dance to the shower

Future daughter's name: Emma Patience
Future son's name: Noah Ethan or Ezra Thompson or Aiden Collins
Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? not anymore
Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
What's under your bed? unknown species of dust bunnies, writings, other strange shit
Favorite sport to watch? hockey and or soccer

Hair Color: brun

Eye Color: brun avec vert sur le centre
Height Currently: 5'6
Siblings: 0
Siblings age: n/a bitches
Location: living room

Any Piercings: 3 in one ear, 2 in the other. bellybutton tomorrow

Best Friend: vania, sarah, amanda, nicole, jenn, katie, dania, ryan, kyle
Are You Timely Or Always Late: ALWAYS timely
Do You Have A Job: aahah three actually
Do You Like Being Around People: depends who they are. usually yes.

Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with? in a way.
Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did?: of course
Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After?: anyone who has a sincere smile where their eyes light up
Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now?: yeah

Ever Liked a close Girl Friend?: i have a vagina?. that's actually not a question, but intonation is hard to represent in typing
Are You Lonely Right Now?: yeah
Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married?: no
Do You Want To Get Married?: yes. after peace corps and 8 fucking years of college
Do You Want Kids?: two, boy-girl twins

Room In house:my room
Type of music: most anything
Song: You and Me by Lifehouse and Hanging by a Moment by Lifehouse and There is by Boxcar Racer

Cologne/aftershave: kyle always smells good
Flower:begonias or mayflowers. mayflowers i think, im a simple girl
Month: October, November
Season: autumn
Location for dates: autumn
Cried: yeah. actually in the past 6 hours. i suck, i cry at anything
Bought Something: gum

Sang: yeah, really loud while hiking, and hot college guys totally heard us.
Said I Love You: yes
Wanted To tell someone you loved them, But Didn't: yes

Met Someone New: kinda...some hot college guys who told me and vania to go on broadway, and then laughed hysterically

Moved On: np?
Talked To Someone: yes yes yes
Had A Serious Talk: yes, a good one
Missed Someone: yes! i missed my morning hug from vania

Hugged Someone: yes!
Kissed Someone: kinda!
Fought With Your Parents: always. its a ritual
Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: no. more like my house burning down
Had a lot of sleep: about 5, not too bad.
Wanted This Survey To Be Over: actually, yeah, that homework i was delaying is sounding pretty good right now.
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