Aug 10, 2004 18:04
well lets see saturday i woke up n cleaned then was on the phone with matt while playin playstation and i was like u should come over im bored n he was like where do u live in stuff then i told him to call me if he was gonna come over so i was playin a game then he called n my mom was on the phone talkin to him askin him ?'s n stuff n she was goin on n then finally he came over n i was on the phon with chelsea n i asked her if she wanted to come chill with us so i gave matt a tour of my house n then chelsea's dad dropped her off then we chilled online for a lil bit then i got off n we went on the trampoline n my lil sis was annoyin us so then we got off the tramp n we went for a wat like 10 min walk? then we came back n chilled outside i was swingin on the swing n matt came n sat on my lap then chelsea n my lil sis got me by the feet n were tryin to pants me lol funny stuff then matt n my lil sis held me down n chelsea drew on my face with chalk but it didnt show up then i was just layin on the ground with matt talkin then my lil sis was jumpin on me or something so i got up then we sat on my porch then matts mom came and got him n i talked to his mom while he got his shoes on n my lil sis kept pullin down my pants while i was talkin to her then i walk away n go in the house n relize tht i had dirty all over my ass n back bcuz chelsea was draggin me tryin to get my pants off it was funny so i was all dirty n my hair was messed up so then chelsea called her dad n told her dad that she was stayin the night so we went n chilled online n she made mac n cheese then my sis went to the hosiptal n my aunt carla came over to help me watch the baby n hope n then my step dad came in the house drunk at 1:30 or 2 o'clock? then i got into a fight with him bcuz i told him he was drunk n he wasnt aloud to hold the baby n stuff then he got pissed at me n shut off the t.v. n told me to go to my room n chelsea was goin home n i was like ur drunk stop n he grabbed me by my arm n pushed me in the kitchen n told me to get the fuck to my room n i said no n i said chelsea isnt goin to call her dad this late so she did n her dad came n got her n my step dad grabbed my arm n through me up the stairs so i went to my room n 5 mins later i went down stairs n said let me call mom so he called her n i talked to her n she told me to leave with carla then rick said no fuckin go to ur room ur not leavin n i said no mom said i could leave n he grabbed my arm again n through me up the stairs n told me to listen so i went to my room n fuckin balled my eyes out for other stuff too i left out some stuff bcuz u dont need to know the whole story but anywayz then i went to bed...
Woke up n it was 12:30 n i didnt get to go to church so then my aunt carla came over to pick up my lil sis to take her swimmin at ashley my cuz's house so i went to bcuz i thought ashley was there so i could hang with her bcuz i told her i would this summer so we get there n ashley isnt there n i find out i forgot my bathsuit bottoms at my house so i sat n looked at sale's papers then i got up n went outside n ate then went inside to find out wat everyone was doin n larissa was playin with brianna so i went n changed into shorts bcuz it was hot then i called shaun to see wat he was doin n he was busy to bad i was gonna see if he wanted to stop by so i could see his ass ((big bro i miss ur ass..fuckin too busy gettin high tht u cant come down to the s.c.s no more n see ur lil sis..u best come see me soon..))
K i cant finish gotta get in the shower bcuz my cuz n my gma r comin to get me in 30 mins to go see a movie ill b back n finish this later on tonight so leave me a comment n wat i have so finish this later...all i gotta say is i misss my deanie n i love him mwahhh love u baby boy..hit me up haved talk to u in a few days..miss ya :-/
*^I aM A BaNaNa^*