
Jul 22, 2005 20:51

And.... I FUCKING HATE SUV DRIVERS ( Read more... )

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_hoyden_ August 20 2005, 23:24:15 UTC
A static IP address, eh?? Regardless...

Lets first address this.. If you are dutch, as you say you are, and given the read on your IP address, I'll assume that you do not live in the United States..

Moving on.. Being a human being, and harboring the tendency to a) spout and b) be highly opinionated and c) living in the country where the facade of free speech reigns.. I welcome the idea that I can find a certain "mentality" disdainful.. Does that mean if my best friend goes out and buys an SUV I then hate her? NO, of course not.. But I do not like the mentality.. and in the United States the SIV is a mentality.. of course there are exceptions to the rule...

and further more.. you feel the need to remind me "I am open to the world *shock*" ??? What is your point?? That comment would indicate that you've spent some time reading other entries of my journal... Are you bored?? Are you seeking a flame war? I know for a fact my journal is NOT that interesting... beyond that, I'm almost postive that you are just as subject to mentalitiy hating as the rest of humanity does.. Unless you "Dutch" are above that...

If you really are Dutch... I'd imagine if you had any real intent and were "someone" you wouldn't be posting anon... In fact it maybe a rouse... You could live about 5 miles from here.. Say West, but not too far west.. We'll never know, and I really don't care..

If you think it's wrong for me, in a mild fit of rage to complain about a mentality.. fine.. if you'd then like to assume that I act *like a child* on all mild fits of rage, you are welcome to wrongly place that judgement.. and then I can write a new post hating on how the dutch like to defend the individuals from mentality.. and then it can be a vicious cycle? yes? :)


_hoyden_ August 21 2005, 00:22:46 UTC
Yes, I do not live in the USoA and you know the word static IP address, and that makes you OK in my book. Furthermore; as you can probably notice, my English is not flawless like yours. Had to read your post 2-3 times, but I don't mind that. I guess you can say my ‘hobby’ is not a normal one, but you can say that about allot of people who have way weirder hobbies then me. Reading posts about other people interest me because I’m interested in people, particularly in the mind flow, and yes I’ve read more posts in your journal and this post didn't add up with most of your post because afaik you seem like an 'intelligent' person and the whole mind flow you describe is like that from a 12 year old. (no flame intended I just hate to add sugar all over my coat, if you know what I mean..)

It's the whole mind flow that made me reply, I normally never reply. I post anonymous because I do not have a live journal.

And it's totally fine to go in a mild fit of rage about something that's not your fault and is out of your control, but to hate a whole line of people for it? Nah. But you’ve pointed out that it’s not like that.

And even if I was some guy who was looking for a nice flame fest, I wouldn’t pick you out because I’d loose. I’d go to a Dutch board and launch a topic about our so called ‘foreign policy’. Man, that would make some good points in the books, if there was one.

Btw, nslookup my IP address, that’ll get you an address from NL. Which stands for Netherlands, which is Dutch. And no my hostname is not a hint.. ok? :P I have my sweet moments also.


darthvenereal August 22 2005, 08:04:12 UTC
ahem, what the fuck is a mind flow?

and dutch foreign policy? that's an oxymoron in itself. i'd imagine you would be faced with a very quiet room, chirp, chirp...all quiet on the western front. or were you referring "our" foreign policy as in the U.S. which would make you not who you claim to be. thank you dr. watson, next case.


_hoyden_ August 23 2005, 06:10:19 UTC
A mind flow is a flow of the mind, how you respond to certain things and thing about it. And I'd like to analyze that.

and think/read again if you think i'm referring to 'your' policy. And yes dutch foreign policy is an oxymoron itself, that's why i said it. It's nice to break up a convo like that because it brings out the best in people. (sarcastic)


darthvenereal August 23 2005, 17:30:49 UTC
thank you genius, that was very helpful, a mind flow is a flow of the mind...how about mind set, eh, fram of mind maybe? so you are saying that you like to break up conversation with mindless unintelligent drivel as in foreign policy of a non-entity country. why don't you just enlighten us with your masterbatory habits? that would be more entertaining, you accidental discolored twat drippage! (that means, to you uninitiated, an unintended, somewhat greenish yellow semi-liquid drippage from your mama's twat mainly due to her indiscreet sexual habits) see that's how you explain a made-up term. learn from the master, young grasshopper.


_hoyden_ August 23 2005, 18:56:57 UTC
Oh dear, he's calling me names, and original ones at that! Oh wait, no they're not they're wrong, what's a drippage?

Next to being a total retard, punctuation is not your strongest asset or is it?

Fuck you for bringing on the flames, while I promised someone I wouldn't!


darthvenereal August 23 2005, 21:21:58 UTC
see there you go again, starting a sentence with a oh, whatever. stop it, it's so lame. a drippage is you or the questionable way in which you came into being.

i punctuate better than your use of appropriate words, how about that.

no, i brought on the flames while you just sounds like your grandma sucking on some pimple faced amercian private first class. and speaking of punctuation, you really shouldn't break that last sentence with a comma. it makes you look uneducated.


_hoyden_ August 23 2005, 21:36:11 UTC
Ah well, at least I capitalize like they told me to do in grammar class 1. Did you ever attend?

Oh wait, I'm doing what every 12 year old is doing. Pissing on other peoples grammar.


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