Aug 18, 2004 06:23
I finally was able to get onto lj. I had to uninstall some stupid search engine from these people's computer though. "INCREDIFIND!" urgh.. man. Its 6:24 in the morning and we have to leave in about half an hour to go to Jejudo. Its.. basically Korea's hawaii. All the honeymooners go there I guess. Hopefully it'll be fun... just as long as I keep my distance from my mom... She's just.. ridiculous. Nobody interesting is online so.. I guess I'm going to go get dressed, brush my teeth, apply my pit stick and get on the plane. I'm not going to be back until... Friday evening probably. But... thats... about 6 in the morning in Santa Clara so no one is going to be online! Goodie for me... God, I can't wait to come home.