why oh why do i have to be by myself when im rolling?!?!
i wish i was with steffany and michelle or natalie right now :(
so anyways, i went to the coffee retreat with steffany, natalie, michelle and lauren.
we got there right at 7:30, but me michelle and adam went to phillips and got cigarettes.
then we got back and it was already too late, and we missed steven's band play. ohhh well then i forgot what else happened. and i met so many new people tonight, i went up to everybody i saw and gave them a hug and a big hand shake. then i was like "what the....where did you come from?" then i was like oh shit sorry i thought you were michelle or someone.
then we played a game with steven, alex, raymond, chris, robbie, steffany, michelle and me and we would spin around in circles for along time, and then someone would have to chase you. i couldnt take is so i sat next to david and then michelle sat down too. then we just kinda just walked around and stuff.
and i have nobody to talk to right now, michelle is suppose to call me back and so is andrew and jon garcia. tomorrow im gonna meet up with steffany and michelle early cause i know im not sleeping tonight, but i have nothing else to say and my teeth hurt!
you dont have to read this all, cause i know its alot,
but read it anyways/.......................
[x] The shoes you wore today: red converse
[x] Your eyes: blue/grey
[x] Your fears: heights and the dark
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
[x] Your most overused phrase on aim: yeah
[x] Your thoughts first waking up: i dont wanna go to school
[x] The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: face and hair
[x] Your best physical feature: i dunno
[x] Your bedtime: whenever i get tired
[x] Your most missed memory: i have no idea
-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
[x] Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: neither
[x] Single or group dates: i dont care
[x] Adidas or Nike: none
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: none
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: frapuccino
-----------------DO YOU------------------
[x] Smoke: cigarettes? yes
[x] Curse: sometimes
[x] Take a shower everyday: ha no
[x] Have any crushes?: i dunno.......
[x] Who are they: ^look above
[x] Do you think you've been in love? not really
[x] Want to go to college: i dont know
[x] Like high school: better than junior high
[x] Want to get married: yeah
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yea, i took keyboarding in 7th grade
[x] Believe in yourself: sure sometimes
[x] Get motion sickness: yes sometimes
[x] Think you're a health freak: nope
[x] Get along with your parents: noo way jose
[x] Like thunderstorms: no i hate the rain
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
[x] Gone to the mall: yes sir
[x] Eaten sushi: no way
[x] Been on stage: ha yeah tonight i did
[x] Been dumped: no
[x] Gone skating: no
[x] Made homemade cookies: nope
[x] Dyed your hair: noo
[x] Stolen anything: yes
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
[x] Flown on a plane: yes
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: not that i know of
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yeah many times
[x] Cried during a Movie?: i cant remember
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: um no
[x] Had an imaginary friend: yeah when i was little
[x] Cut your hair: umm yes
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: ew nooo
[x] Been caught "doing something": like what?
[x] Been called a tease: duh
[x] Gotten beaten up?: nope
[x] Been in a fight: not a fist fight
[x] Shoplifted: yea
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
[x] Age you hope to be married: i have no idea, im not too worried right now
[x] Numbers of Children: three
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: i dunno but im playing "white wedding"- billy idol at my wedding :)
[x] How do you want to die?: i want to die on acid but not till im like old
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: that's a good question...
[x] What country would you most like to visit?: amsterdamn, holland
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
[x] Best eye color: why does it matter
[x] Best hair color: brown or something
[x] Short or long hair: i dont care
[x] Best height: doesn't matteR?
[x] Best weight: not fat
[x] Best first date location: i dunno
[x] Best first kiss location: uhh wherever?
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
[x] Number of Boyfriends/Girlfriends: ha like i count?
[x] Number of drugs taken illegally: dont count that either
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: three
[x] Number of CDs that I own: not that much
[x] Number of piercing: three
[x] Number of tattoos: none
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? why would i be in the newspaper?
[x] Number of scars on my body: too many
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: i dunno
[x] Shampoo: garnier fructis <----or whatever
[x] Fav Color(s): green and teal
[x] Day/Night: nighttt
[x] Summer/Winter: winter, i HATE the summer
[x] Lace or Satin: who cares
[x] Fave Cartoon: family guy
[x] Fave Food: i dunno
[x] Fave Movies: slc punk, cruel intentions, fight club, spun
[x] Fave sport: i dont like sports
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
[x] Right Now Wearing: jeans, a green tanktop and laurens betty boop socks.
[x] Drinking: i was drinking orange juice
[x] Thinking about: the last thing i was drinking?
[x] Listening to: bright eyes
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
[x] Cried: yes, natalie cried so i almost did cuz i didnt know what was going on
[x] Worn jeans: yeah i always wear jeans even at night
[x] Met someone new online: nope
[x] Done laundry: nope
[x] Drove a car: nope
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
[x] Yourself: sure
[x] Your friends: yea
[x] Santa Claus: no, but i cried when i found out he wasnt real
[x] Tooth Fairy: no
[x] Destiny/Fate: idk
[x] Angels: maybe
[x] Ghosts: sure
[x] UFO's: not really
[x] God: i guess im just too young to understand..if you get what im saying
------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: nope
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: not at the moment
[x] Do you like anyone?: i dunno....
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: michelle, my bestfriend and sister!!
[x] Are you close to any family member?: nope
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: rollin, but not by YOURSELF
[x] Worst Feeling?: coming down
[x] What time is it now?: 2:51 a.m.
What is your favorite_______
1. gum: i dunno
2. restaurant: willie's
3. drink: water and pepsi
4. season: winterr
5. type of weather: cold
6. emotion: happy
7. thing to do on a half day: since when did we have half days?
9. sport: nothing
10. city: h-town
11. store: american eagle
_______When was the last time you_______
12. cried: today when i threw up
13. played a sport: i cant remember
15. hugged someone: today, i hugged everybody i saw lol
16. kissed someone: i dont remember
17. felt depressed: i dont know
20. lied: today
_______What was the last_______
21. word you said: okay
22. thing you ate: i shared a little pizza with michelle at school
23. song you listened to: lover i dont have to love- bright eyes
24. thing you drank: orange juice
25. place you went to: the coffee retreat
26. movie you saw: alice in wonderland
27. movie you rented: i never rent movies
_______Who was the last person you_______
28. hugged: i hugged alot of people today
29. cried over: i dont know
30. kissed: jon g
31. danced with: i cant remember
32. shared a secret with: i dunno
33. had a sleepover with: cant remember
34. called: natalie
35. went to a movie with: ha i went there today but only to say hi to johnnycakes
36. saw: nothing
37. were angry with: alot of people
38. couldn't take your eyes off of: i dont know
39. obsessed over: nothing
_______Have you ever_______
40. danced in the rain: yea, one day i did with anna, chloe and lauren
41. kissed someone: yeah
42. done drugs: if you say so
43. drank alcohol: yeahh
44. partied: yep
45. had a movie marthon: i dunno
46. gone too far on a dare: i dont think so
47. spun until you were immensely dizzy: yeah i did today when i played that game with steven and everybody
48. taken a survey quite like this before: i dont know
_______My life_______
49. name: rachel
50. gender: femail
51. birthday: january 13
52. relationship status: single
53. nationality: white
54. occupation: nothing
55. i'm feeling: bored
56. i'm listening to: nothing
57. i'm doing: this dumb quiz
58. i'm talking to: lauren
59. i'm craving: another tab
60. i'm thinking of: calling michelle
61. i'm hating: today
62. love is: i dont know
63. my first love: i cant remember
64. my current love: no body :(
65. love or lust: i dont care
66. best love song: i have no clue
67. is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: i dont know?
68. when love hurts: you cry
69. is there such thing as love as love at first sight?: why are you asking me?
_______Opposite sex_______
70. turn ons: i dont know
71. turn offs: boys who think their so cool
72. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf matter to you?: not really
73. what kinda hairstyle are you into?: i dont really care
74. what is the sweetest thing a girl/guy can do for you?: i dont know
75. where do you go to meet new people?: no where
76. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask for numbers?: no
_______Picky picky_______
77. dog or cat: neither
78. short or long hair: i dont care
79. sunshine or rain: i dont know
80. hugs or kisses: both
81. summer or winter: winterrrr
82. written letters or e-mails: letters i guess
83. playstation or Nintendo: nintendo 64
84. car or motorcycle: car
85. house party or club: house party
86. sing or dance: neither
87. freak or slow dance: neither again
88. how are you today?: really bored
89. what pants are you wearing right now? my pajama pants
90. what shirt are you wearing right now?: a big huge shirt
91. what does your hair look like at the moment?: messy
92. what song are you listening to right now?: none
93. how is the weather right now?: i havent looked outside yet
94. who was last person you talked to on the phone?: i cant remember
95. last dream i can remember?: i had some weird dreams today