all you need is love dah dah dah dah dah dah dahhhh

Aug 25, 2005 11:54

so im moving in one week. 7 days and then like 24 times 7 for the number of hours and that times 60 for the number of mins....i just dont feel like doing the math but its not very long i can tell you that. last night was possibly one of our last cmapfires til next summer. it was a little one and not many ppl came bc it was last minute but i still enjoyed it. but i hurt my pinky toe and like the nail ripped half off and pathetic and crippeled feeling but eh. eric put a bandaid on it and gave me advil. <3 thats love ppl. mmm...happy. and im going to targetto with my q--tart in ab an hour so that'll rock...and then my last day of work before i move! feel free to stop in for some cream and conversation...bc ya know...this is it. so now im gonna go read why talia is so sad in that pic bc i havent been on my compy in a while and i havent read ab it talia <3

and um....

oh yea! folk fest fri sat and sun for me. im workin the dinner crew NOT the breakfast crew as i had previously been informed. and that rocks.

and....yea thats it. good days everyone, good days.

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