Mar 22, 2006 06:02
I don't feel well. I am just in an all around 'funk'. I am going to sleep in a moment. Sometimes I feel like I am wrong for sleeping so much but most of the time I would rather sleep anyways. Time goes by faster. I wish I were 80. I wish I were at the end of my road instead of the beginning because right now, I don't really feel like being here. Don't worry though... I won't be blowing my brains out anytime soon:)
St. Louis was fun. I just wish that the weather would have been better and that we could have stayed longer:/ It was frickin' cold the entire time! The Arch was mucho grande and the view from the top was pretty cool... only on the right side though... the other side wasn't much of a sight. Pretty much a wasteland. Oh and I would like to know where my drinking mojo went. The last few times I have tried to have a little drinky, I have been completely repulsed. I took one shot of rum and was finished... the smell gets to me everytime! Maybe next time if I don't smell it before I drink it I will accomplish something. Hmm... maybe.
Work was pretty queer. We're getting 2 new hires which makes me very happy. We need people in our area like no other. BUT UPS still ='s LAME.
Love, Sarah