Ali and I took a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon in the hopes of finding chocolate. (We'd heard tales that the petrol station nearby was open. COMFORT FOOD!)
The vision we saw at the petrol station:
IT'S THE APOCALYPSE STEAL ALL THE PETROL (Despite the fact that the reports have been saying "it's FINE, we've get enough petrol, we're not running out, it's still coming in, STOP FLIPPING OUT.")
It was lucky we weren't coming to get milk
(the bread situation was just the same.)
Some photos of the liquefaction going on everywhere. So many silt everywhere :/
(I didn't know this photo was happening, thus the face.)
The middle of the road near our place:
I could go swimming in that thing. I won't though.
Silty river!
And from home, us collecting rain water on the front porch
and this is where I've been spending a lot of my times, but usually not with the helmet stolen from Laura for the photo.
You'll notice we've not picked up any of the DVDs that fell down. You'll probably also notice that there's a bra above the door. That's not the earthquakes fault.