Aug 26, 2010 06:39
Dear Joss Whedon,
You know I love you, baby, but we've got to talk about this Avengers cast. I know, I know, you've probably heard it all already but maybe that's because people were expecting a little more from the guy who brought us Buffy and Firefly, both shows filled with a wide range of super awesome women.
So, Joss, where are the chicks? You've got all your heroes nicely cast - it's a lovely big boys club there - and the only superheroine you're going to let us have in it is Black Widow? For serious, Joss? The lack of powered-up women in the comic book movies in general - other than X-Men - is terrible and I thought that if anyone was going to fix that it would be you. And it's not as though you'd seriously have to struggle to do it either. The Avengers were always a mixed team and sometimes they even had more women than men on it. Hell, one of the founding members was a woman.
How about Ms. Marvel? Scarlet Witch? Wasp? Come on! (I'd love to see She-Hulk personally but that wouldn't happen in a movie that already has the Hulk.) You've said that there will be other women in the movie but in the roles of love interests. Hey, guess what, Joss? That's not the same thing. Maybe woman watching the movie might want a little more on their side than just getting to be the pretty girl the hero returns home to at the end of the adventure.
Not so much love at this point,
(PS: If you could seriously get to making that Wonder Woman movie - and cast it well - I'd totally forgive you for all of this.)
casual sexism