This is me not being ready!

Oct 30, 2009 21:56

NaNo starts tomorrow at midnight! Ohshit!

I have a whole cast of characters to write about, but the plot at the moment is so very loose. I'm hoping that I'll just start writing and it will all form itself. Hopefully. All that is important is that it's about 17th century Dutch werewolves, baby. I am going to not worry too much about historical accuracy with this because, well, it's NaNo and not exactly something I'm going to try and get published or anything.

If you're interested, I'll be it all up at _everdream. It's locked so you'll have to join the comm to read it though. I just don't like having all my writing out in public :)

It's cold and I have to go get milk :/

But Lara will be here in exactly to weeks! :D

werewolves are fluffy little fuckers, we have no milk :(, writing, lara is made of ♥, nano

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