The Alexander McQueen show in Paris was unsurprisingly dramatic. So much so that some pieces simply must be labeled as 'art' and given appropriate titles
Help! Help! My Head Is Covered In Honey (Eaten By Butterflies)
Forgotton Trousers (Also known as Golden Apple Upon Head)
Treetop Angel (Please Don't Stick The Pointy Fir Up My Arse)
Whoops, Landmine
Untitled (as all the most confusing art should be called. It works much better than Pink Swirly Thing That Is Possibly A Section of Her Brain.)
Business Up Front, Party Out Back: Mulan Style
My Sleeves Are Legion.
Woodstock Vomit.
Sekrit Hidden Bird
Birds Killed My Mother And Now They Will Pay
Birds Killed My Father And Kicked My Dog And Now They Will Pay
Seashell On Her Head. (nice and simple)
Crusty Shoulders.
Foretelling A Tragedy. Also known as The Sad Tale of The Model Who Broke Her Ankles Wearing Cane Shoes.
But there were some really gorgeous pieces
Oh hai Viviane Orth's foot!
The hair was awful.