Hi. I feel very weeeeeeeeird. Lately everything had just been so gaaaahhh dramatic and lame....fun and exciting too. but mostly just lame. things used to be so much different in my life and then suddenly it all changed. liiiike THAT! errrrrgh. i feel like taking a trip down memory lane, so here it goes..
i dont miss her. but i miss the way i felt around the time this picture was taken. i was soo YEEEEE! feeling..
i miss this. a lot. hmmm...
i miss this random old man that sat next to me for no reason
aaaand i also miss when my nephews were little babies. now theyre getting older and ahhh.
what a nice little past to look back on. hm its ok though because now i have...
a teresavuuuuuster!<33
aaand a briiibaby! <33
i also have...
- a karsten...sort of still :(
- an amber who i miss<3
- a troy who is gaaaaaaay
- a victorlooby who makes fun of me 24/7
- a caitlyn, but i NEVERRRR see her. sad face.
- an elyse who is a skany hooker baby
- and id like to think that i have a kris, but he hates me like everyday.
uhmmm thats basically it. i miss themmmmm. im happy. kind of. go awaaaaaay now
if you like me. stop. im not looking.so uhhhh leave me alone. thannnnnks.